Friday, April 3, 2009

Glasses are forever

As my professor’s eyes lit up while emphasizing on the perpetual nature of chemical composition of glasses, something struck me. It’s been a while since I’ve reconciled with the fact that change is the only constant. However, there is a pang of regret as I’m driven away from my sense of utopia, the deepest desire to find an omnipotent example of constancy. ‘Glass’ was just about to rekindle my hopes before I realized how brittle they are!

Relationships undoubtedly are the most intricate network of emotions & actions designed by man. They vary not just in purpose but also in nature of the subjects. Ranging from child parent relationship to a romantic one, from a student teacher rapport to friendship, they are the very matrix that embeds us & our journey of life. What used to perturb me was the delicate & brittle character of such associations. They are often established at the cost of a lot of efforts & understanding that goes into fathoming the subjects. Then is it really worth all the pain if it has to come down like a pack of cards on the slightest of gusts?

 All this while, I was confusing myself by focussing too hard on the subjects rather than the string that binds them together. “Relationships, like glasses are constant in substance but very dynamic in form.” A friend correctly pointed out the similarity between the two. The former is pretty much indifferent towards any change in the subjects & derives its meaning from the emotions & actions that are involved in nurturing & sustaining it. But does this equip us with an excuse to run away from our partners in a relationship on the mildest of conflicts?

I personally feel that standing up to challenges faced in a relationship is the only way of making any sense out of it. Escapism will slowly but definitely erode away our faith in a sense of commitment that is required in any relationship. It will drain us of those emotions that drive such associations. As evident as ever, they are a delicate balance of a lot of things, however this balance is pretty much the essence of our lives. When we fail in a relationship, we either made the mistake of branding a momentary sense of bonhomie or were unable to adapt to the ever changing nature of the human desire & attitude. But parting ways provides us with invaluable lessons & prepares us to once again dive deep into realms of the most satisfying & fulfilling of activities, relationship building. This relentless nature of a man’s pursuit of happiness certainly provides some solace to my heart.

Cheers to life :-)




  1. hmmm....truly said....i can really understand ur feelings while u were in midst of writing this post :) infact even i also havent found out the answers to these ques..... im also in a dilemma why ppl escape out of relationships so easily....infact why do they go into one wen they dont ve the guts to stand tall in hard times...may be thts the reason relationships fail.
    Leavin aside the parental relation nd lookin at the romantic ones nd the friendship....i would say tht the former is much more fragile than latter even though ur partner knws u inside out which even ur closest of freinds dont....but still i dnt get why do we back out so easily...but ya one thin i understood that man would never end his/her pursuit for happiness no matter how bitter r last relationship may be.

  2. A very well written thought...defining the type of relationship one is ever lasting (like parents)& other is temporary (like love buddies/friends).Later one becomes permanent after some refinement , so we emotional or say social people needs to understand this that there is some design of this relationship tree....
    Going to the point that why people goes in to one relationship ...I Personally feels that u dont have to thought about the upshots of it...A true relationship is the one in which u dont feel the heat of breakdowns..

  3. i LOVED this post. really got me thinking in a whole new dimension...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. dont know wht i hav understood frm the blog n d comments but in my opinion relationship is a very important part of anything be it physical ,chemical,mathematical or HUMAN relationship otherwise evrything is absurd with no clear boundaries n certainities.To me, relationship is a journey tht tends to infinity and its passengers hav to pay price for tht in the form of challenges ,which test their character,n which also decide rest of the path of the journey, which we wrongly interpret as success\failure. But one must learn tht a relationship never starts\ends on a success\failure but it's just gets a station whr one gets time to enjoy\rest\analyse his/her past journey n makes plan for future journey.
    No day is same as its previous day,so naturally the shades of a relationship would go on changing frm white to grey n thn again white.So A RELATIONSHIP IS A CHALLENGE FOR THE RELATIONSHIP TO BE IN THAT RELATIONSHIP ELSE ITS A SCHOLARSHIP WHICH DOESN'T LAST LONG.
    e.g. (-LIFE-DEATH-)n is one of the example of a relationship in which one doesnt leave the other forever.

  6. The whole dilemma is because of our expectations from a relationship. Very few relationships in this world say one in a million are based on natural love and affection which can not be explained and without any expectations. In other cases the dgree of natural love and affection vary with time and emotional state of participants of relationship. Every body knows this but would like to have a relationship expecting natural love and affection from other and in a wrong belief that he is already doing the same. Once we realise this then we would accept relationships as they are.
