Sunday, April 12, 2009

It’s more than just an ‘O’ that separates ‘women’ from ‘we men’

For all those perverts alias friends who consider me a womanizer, better skip this one. I am not a feminist either. To be honest, I don’t believe in equality based on gender, rather I hold faith in parity by the virtue of being a human being & the associated basic rights. My definition of being fair is not to judge people by putting them on to the same pedestal but to recognize & appreciate the diversity that has been bestowed upon us by nature. Since the time I can remember, I’ve been an ardent admirer of the ‘fairer sex’. This admiration stems out from a lot of reasons further consolidated by a host of experiences.

This post is dedicated to all the women who’ve been a part of my life at some stage or the other, immaterial of the duration or nature of association, influencing the course of my journey in some way or the other, thus responsible for who I am today.

To begin with, nature has gifted them with the most precious of capacities, to bear their off springs & thus contribute almost entirely to the process of reproduction of our species. However the boon is accompanied by a great deal of responsibility as well as tremendous pain & suffering, both physical & mental, that she must endure. Not to mention the extremely annoying & disturbing menstruation cycle that must be dealt with for the greater part of their lives. We men can’t even begin to imagine our lives with all these as an integral part of it. Yet most of us would bask in our glory of being stronger & claim to be playing a more vital role in the procreation of our kind. Strength reminds me, it’s a scientifically proven fact that very few men would come out alive of a labour room considering the infinite amount of pain involved during child birth. Now what I wish to emphasize here is the need of recognition of this special attribute that only our female population has & to stop pushing them on academic & professional fields at times when they voluntarily wish to take it easy. Comparisons in such arenas are not just unfair but also tend to destabilize the basic natural processes by creating excessive pressure on either of the two sexes.

Only a woman’s mind can match the complexity of her body. Ages have passed by & hoards of philosophers passed away, none could fathom the intricacies of it. It can provide the vital potential for running a successful nation & at the same time can be lethal enough to tear down empires. It offers the most creative of ideas for our society & yet can design numerous convoluted webs of deceit & surprise. The most beautiful attribute of a woman’s brain is that it cannot be replicated or simulated. And once again we consider the latter a weakness since the calculative & rational nature of our brains, also the characteristic feature of a computer, is highly over rated. This further emphasizes thorough comprehension of every trait of a human’s mind so that it can be utilized to the utmost.

The law of nature is inequality. It has endowed us with different set of attributes that is the basis of any relationship that prevails on the planet. To consider one of these traits superior, possessed by one particular group of humans, is unfair. To push the other group to possess similar characteristics is even more tragic. Recognizing & nurturing the nuances is the only way of making this world more “equitable”.  

Cheers to life :-)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Glasses are forever

As my professor’s eyes lit up while emphasizing on the perpetual nature of chemical composition of glasses, something struck me. It’s been a while since I’ve reconciled with the fact that change is the only constant. However, there is a pang of regret as I’m driven away from my sense of utopia, the deepest desire to find an omnipotent example of constancy. ‘Glass’ was just about to rekindle my hopes before I realized how brittle they are!

Relationships undoubtedly are the most intricate network of emotions & actions designed by man. They vary not just in purpose but also in nature of the subjects. Ranging from child parent relationship to a romantic one, from a student teacher rapport to friendship, they are the very matrix that embeds us & our journey of life. What used to perturb me was the delicate & brittle character of such associations. They are often established at the cost of a lot of efforts & understanding that goes into fathoming the subjects. Then is it really worth all the pain if it has to come down like a pack of cards on the slightest of gusts?

 All this while, I was confusing myself by focussing too hard on the subjects rather than the string that binds them together. “Relationships, like glasses are constant in substance but very dynamic in form.” A friend correctly pointed out the similarity between the two. The former is pretty much indifferent towards any change in the subjects & derives its meaning from the emotions & actions that are involved in nurturing & sustaining it. But does this equip us with an excuse to run away from our partners in a relationship on the mildest of conflicts?

I personally feel that standing up to challenges faced in a relationship is the only way of making any sense out of it. Escapism will slowly but definitely erode away our faith in a sense of commitment that is required in any relationship. It will drain us of those emotions that drive such associations. As evident as ever, they are a delicate balance of a lot of things, however this balance is pretty much the essence of our lives. When we fail in a relationship, we either made the mistake of branding a momentary sense of bonhomie or were unable to adapt to the ever changing nature of the human desire & attitude. But parting ways provides us with invaluable lessons & prepares us to once again dive deep into realms of the most satisfying & fulfilling of activities, relationship building. This relentless nature of a man’s pursuit of happiness certainly provides some solace to my heart.

Cheers to life :-)