Friday, January 30, 2009

A reluctant start...

I have always had reservations about writing publically. It's not an essay that our teacher made us write & subsequently read out aloud in front of the class. It's an expression, very often involving deeply personal opinions & insights. We are not provided routine topics to write upon. Rather, we express ourselves on matters that are close to our heart & are worth inscribing. 

As a matter of fact, I've never been comfortable doing so. Until recently I claimed to be quite an extrovert till I realized that I was on a one way track. I was open to people's ideas, problems, discussions & allmost everything they had to share. I'd even express myself when needed. However the most surprising fact to me was, that except one or two people, there's hardly anyone who seems to know the real me. Now the interesting part here is that my friends would often correctly guess my reaction to a certain situation but they'd lack the understanding as to why I behaved like that. I came to the conclusion that I need to make myself more transparent. Not by revealing the incidents of my life, but by sharing thoughts on numerous trivial matters around us...the sundries. I might be wrong in identifying my purpose here. It is, I know for sure, more selfish in nature as is everything else I undertake. 

 This is the commencement of a journey towards self realization more than anything else. It's reluctant in nature because I'd still not agree to this endeavour in principle but there is a certain force that drives me to do so. I hope it will help me realize the person I am & to come across those who matter in my life a shade brighter & a touch lighter.


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